IPL (Photofacials), Laser Hair Removal and Microneedling

IPL (Photofacials), Laser Hair Removal and Microneedling

Package Options

12 Hour Unlimited Area (s)

Can be Shared or Gifted

Includes any Combination of Small, Medium or Large Areass

Price: $1999

24 Hour Unlimited Area (s)

Can be Shared or Gifted

Includes any Combination of Small, Medium or Large Areas

Price: $2999

One-Year Unlimited Area (s)

Unlimited Sessions for a Year on any Area (s)

Includes any Combination of Small, Medium or Large Areass

Price: $5k

Lifetime Unlimited Package (Hormone Related Hair Growth)

Lifetime Unlimited Treatments for all Areas

Ideal for Clients with Conditions like Pcos or Other Hormone Realted Hair Growthlarge Areas

Price: $10k

Botox & Fillers

Coming Soon


$155.00 / 90 minutes

Beautiful Me Custom Facial

$135.00 / 60 minutes

Basic Facial w/ Minimal Extractions

$155.00 / 90 minutes

Detox Facial

$185.00 / 90 minutes

Glycolic Facial

$155.00 / 90 minutes

Gentleman’s Facial

$0.00 / 30 minutes

Skin Consultation

$195.00 / 90 minutes

Time Fighter (Aging Skin)

$135.00 / 90 minutes

Va J Shell (Females Only)

$150.00 / 60 minutes

Cherry Angiomas Removal

IPL (Photofacials),
Laser Hair Removal
& Microneedling

Small Areas (Up to 15 min)


First small area is $ 99, Second area is $ 79

Choose from: Areolas, bikini ( regular ), Buttocks ( inner ), Cheeks/Sideburns, chin ( does not include neck ), Ears, feet (includes toes), fingers, forehead, Glabella( between eyebrows ),Hands( include Finngers ), Lip, Navel, Neck( Back ), Neck( Front ), Nose, stomach ( happy tral ),Toes Underarms Large Areas

Medium Areas (Up to 3 Min)

First medium area: $ 159, Second area is $ 139

Choose from: Lower Arms, Upper Arms, Lower Back, Upper Back, Bikini ( extended ), Buttocks ( inner &outer ), Chest ( upper only ), Face ( full ), Inner Thighs, Shoulders, Somach/Abdomen ( full )

Large Areas ( Up to 1 Hour )

First Large area: $ 199, Second area is $ 179

Choose From: Full Arms , Full Back, Bikini ( Barazillian ), Bikini ( Guyzillian/Manzilian ), Lower legs, Upper legs, Chest including stomach

$150.00 / 60 minutes

Cherry Angiomas Removal

$150.00 / 90 minutes

Epidermal Leveling / Dermaplaning

$150.00 / 60 minutes

Skin Tags Removal


$20.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Aeriolas

$35.00 / 30 minutes

Wax Arms (Upper)

$35.00 / 30 minutes

Wax Arms (Lower)

$35.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Back (Upper)

$70.00 / 30 minutes

Wax Back (Full)

$35.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Back (Lower)

$70.00 / 45 minutes

Wax Buttocks (Inner)

$25.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Buttocks (Inner)

$35.00 / 30 minutes

Wax Buttocks (Inner & Outer)

$60.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Bikini

$70.00 / 45 minutes

Wax Bikini (Brazilian)

$85.00 / 45 minutes

Wax Bikini (Guyzilian/Manzilian)

$65.00 / 45 minutes

Wax Bikini (Extended)

$25.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Cheeks/Sideburns

$75.00 / 30 minutes

Wax Chest (includes Stomach)

$35.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Chest (Upper Only)

$20.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Chin (does Not Include Neck)

$35.00 / 30 minutes

Eyebrow and Lip Combo

Eyebrow and lip wax combo

$27.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Eyebrow Design

$20.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Ears

$265.00 / 120 minutes

Wax Full Body

$45.00 / 30 minutes

Wax Legs (Lower)

$50.00 / 30 minutes

Wax Legs (Upper)

$15.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Lip

$25.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Neck (Front)

$25.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Neck (Back)

$18.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Nose

$50.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Stomach (Abdomen)

$28.00 / 15 minutes

Wax Underarms

Eyelashes & Eyebrows

$25.00 / 15 minutes

Eyebrow Tint

$35.00 / 30 minutes

Eyelash Tint


$25.00 / 15 minutes

Collagen Eyes Mask

$25.00 / 15 minutes

Collagen Lip Mask

$10.00 / 15 minutes

Eyebrow Trim

$10.00 / 15 minutes

ZAP The ZIT(s)


$225.00 / 75 minutes

IPL Acne Treatment

IPL Photofacial Consultation

$225.00 / 60 minutes

IPL Skin Rejuvenation

$200.00 / 60 minutes

Photofacial (Declite/Chest)

$255.00 / 60 minutes

Photofacial (Full Face)

$150.00 / 60 minutes

Photofacial (Hands)

$150.00 / 60 minutes

Photofacial (Neck)


$75.00 / 30 minutes

EF Bikini

$90.00 / 30 minutes

EF Bikini (Extended)

$100.00 / 30 minutes

EF Bikini (Brazilian)

$125.00 / 30 minutes

EF Back (Full)

$75.00 / 30 minutes

EF Back (Upper or Lower)

$75.00 / 30 minutes

EF Buttocks / Rear

$125.00 / 30 minutes

EF Chest

$50.00 / 15 minutes

EF Chin

$50.00 / 15 minutes

EF Eyebrows

$100.00 / 30 minutes

EF Face

$125.00 / 30 minutes

EF Guyzilian

$55.00 / 15 minutes

EF Hands

$30.00 / 15 minutes

EF Lip

$65.00 / 15 minutes

EF Neck

$65.00 / 15 minutes

EF Underarms

$65.00 / 15 minutes

EF Shoulders

$80.00 / 30 minutes

EF Stomach